

时间:2010-12-30 10:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
To put it simply - I (perhaps selfishly) built the Mongoose for me. ;-) It's the first kite in a quite a while where my primary consideration was that I enjoyed flying it, not chasing a current trend or style. I really like the Mongoose. It

To put it simply - I (perhaps selfishly) built the Mongoose for me. ;-) It's the first kite in a quite a while where my primary consideration was that I enjoyed flying it, not chasing a current trend or style. I really like the Mongoose. It's precise, it turns tight, and it lets me slam it around without getting all out of shape. It also has the finesse and balance to fly gracefully without feeling soft. One of my design goals was to make the kite more comfortable in higher winds. I think this was accomplished far beyond my expectations! The Mongoose handles gusts and nasty wind admirably, keeping its composure right up to the top of it's wind range. Yes, it get faster. Yes, it pulls. But it never feels overwhelmed or overwhelming. I've also been pleased with the lower wind range of the Mongoose. My focus was on the top end, but the bottom is controlled and comfortable down to about 3mph. There's a UL in development to go even lower.




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